I fell asleep around 11 and honestly didn’t want to watch congress stab us in back but can someone tell which states got objected too and which senators stood up. I heard after they came back into recess suddenly the Cruz crew wasn’t interested in objecting anymore
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Arizona which ultimately was accepted Georgia I believe was denied an objection Pennsylvania went to a vote which ultimately lost New Mexico I don’t think had a senator sign on I know after Arizona only 6 senators ended up staying faithful and Cruz, Hawley, and Gaetz were among the 6. Thats all I got, I’m sure someone else has more details though.
Gaetz isn't a senator though.
Corruption for all to see. Now military justice.
Lol. The military is on Their side.
The one thing that I heard that was 'most' disturbing was the Senate recessed for one of the states' objection and did not hear ANY arguments. They went to an immediate vote, downed the objection, and returned to the joint session.
I had to turn it off when the next Dem came up after Hawley. I couldn't stand listening to all their pontification and lecturing.