posted ago by jfunction ago by jfunction +49 / -0

At this point, this is the way I have some of this figured. Mike Pence has not served in the military yet here's this short video clip of Acting SecDef Chris Miller thanking MP for his military leadership and for guiding them through some of the most complex military operations in history. 


What gives?

Miller, a Green Beret with a long, distinguished record, doesn't need to be "mentored" by MP who never served his country in the military. So this seems to be a con. Pence is being suckered into extending his treason (beyond the Cleveland deal) by leading the senate to refuse the objections to the electoral slates from the contested states - which MP did. Thus Pence and the congress perfected their crimes of treason and all who participated in those crimes are now subject to military tribunal and the death penalty. In the video clip Miller gives Pence a brief pat on the back in passing. This is Miller identifying Pence as being the first who will be arrested when the sweep begins. 

Has Pence already been arrested? Nancy P called him and was kept on hold for 26 minutes of disrespect. Only then was NP told MP would not take her call.

Why not? Where was MP?