Sorry if it's a dumb one for you guys who've been around, but how does Lin Wood factor into all of this?
For a while I figured he was just an overly enthusiastic, kind of crackpot Trump supporter, but more and more he seems to have all the insider info and has, at least this week, been proven right more than once.
Is he, like some speculate, being the voice for Trump to put things out there that otherwise Trump couldn't do himself, or is there something more to Lin Wood?
Thanks in advance!
He might definitely fit into this. Q has said spellings matter.
One of the earliest Q drops.
Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency
Notice the spelling of intelligence. An "n" has been added. IntelliNgence
Interesting. Thanks for the heads up on how to better read some posts.
I think him going crazy on Twitter serves two purposes.
Some of the things that are speculated to come into play are pretty damn crazy, especially for a normie audience. The MSM is desperate to make Trump look like a nutcase, so they're caught in a Catch-22 situation where they want to boost Lin Wood's exposure to discredit Trump, but that means they also run the risk of redpilling people. Plus, just having him go crazy shifts the Overton window, they might call him a nutcase, but the range of acceptable thought subtly gets closer and closer to accepting the truth.
The second purpose is that Lin Wood can defend himself; he's a defamation lawyer, if anyone is upset at what he says and actually wants to stop him, then he gets to root through all their secrets during Discovery.
It's not dumb to ask any question here we don't really ridicule people like TDW, in fact newcomers are encouraged to ask 'dumb' questions so they can get full information and wake up. I see Lin wood as someone who's there purely to scare the deep state. Not full disinfo but targeted info warfare. All the normies will disregard what he says and say he's a wackjob but a lot of the info he's dropped has some truth to it. I believe he scares the shit out of the deep state because they don't know what bomb he's going drop at any given moment
did you ever happen by voat/QRV :) flamed for anything over there. Makes you a better researcher and Anon.
No I never been on those but I can see the utility of criticism on research for the cause
I think this too. Coupled with his history as a defamation lawyer. He’s not going to say anything that would expose him to a big suit so there has to be a grain of truth to everything he’s posting.
The greatest defamation lawyer of all time. Do some research on him. He has been on Q boards for a long time. And has connections to Issac kappy who also has been on q boards for a long time.
Is also personal lawyer to Sydney Powell. And Sydney Powell was gen Flynn lawyer.
He has direct connections and is playing his roll as the disseminator of key info.
I knew about his rep as a defamation lawyer, which is why after a bit and seeing more of his posts Pan out I knew there has to be more to him.
He wouldn’t risk a defamation suit just spouting bullshit off the cuff. Just wasn’t sure if the community had an idea how connected he might be.
Some people hate him others love him !!
I love him because he's Declassing a lot of Info !!
Big time. I’m loving his drops right now