Comments (22)
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Great choice for VP
yes Kristi Noem
We’ll see.
I live in the foothills of Colorado and if our President were to do this I bet I'll be able to hear the REEEEE's from here.
Hey fellow foothiller! :) I know for a fact they’ve stolen Colorado elections for at least the past decade. I can’t wait until all of that comes out. I hate that satanists have taking over the state.
Can't find this anywhere else. We'll have to see, I guess. Would be excellent, though
Isn't it sad that we have to rely on little more than bloggers because we know for sure that the MSM are lying cocksuckers?
Ha, that’s my Governor, that would be awesome.
Im a few months away from Noem replacing Newsome as my Governor.
He can't fire Pence Pence was voted in by the people...
For treason you can fire and imprison.
You can't just fire and repick one. Seems like a far.fetched article.
Fire Pence. Insurrection act. Military does its thing. New election with Noem as running mate.
My question about a new election - who is gonna run against Trump this time if Biden is in prison?
Do we know what the blackmail? Or suspect it exists because of his actions?
dont know this website.
You're on
Roll with it.
Question everything and discount nothing.