Lovely story, I enjoyed reading that. :)
It is kinda interesting that it won't just be the Roman Church that falls, according to Mark Taylor (think Clement might have mentioned it too) most of the Churches will have problems and will be revealed to not be of God, but Mammon (or worse).
Look at people like Franklyn Graham and the way he and others are abandoning Trump and sucking up to Biden. Fakes all of them.
As per Taylor, those Churches who have 501 (I think?) are not serving God, and they will be the ones to convince their flocks that the coming vaccinations are NOT the Mark Of The Beast and perfectly safe to take. (I don't think the chip is in this one, I think it is just to get us used to mandated vaccines, could be wrong though).
What was it Q said about who do people trust the most? Has to be the priests and pastors as nobody truly trusts politicians. I think darkness infiltrated the Churches a very long time ago.
Then there is the Mormons, they have been linked with the child trafficking networks too, and are very big players in the corruption.
I always wanted to live in momentous times, a turning point of history if you like, but man it is nerve wracking and outright terrifying. Of course when it's all over and the good guys win (for now) I'll think it was the most thrilling journey ever.
At the moment it is giving me an ulcer! It's like a roller coaster and I hate roller coaster rides!
I think of that meme from Airplane where Lloyd Bridges said it looks like a bad day to quit smoking. LOL!
Haha I understand that. Jerome was the reference I was to investigate btw.
I just read where Trump dissolved the USA Inc on December 31 2020 and the Republic will take affect in March. I'm really hoping we don't have to go thru a sham of a fake election.
I agree with points that Trump wouldn't have been so calm yesterday if he knew the impending doom we were facing. And that would make this a very unjust world. I believe we were headed towards judgment but yet as God gives us free will, many are turning back so I do believe he will save us to raise up a generation after his heart and his people. It's undeniable listening to Christian music these days vs what it was years ago. It's powerful, it's life changing.
I'd be lying if I said I'm sleeping like a baby lol. I'm exhausted but honestly a lot of it isn't sitting back and waiting. It's praying down heaven's armies and warring angels to do battle. It's exhausting and sometimes hard to believe we are living something like Egypt or Esther. But yet as I told my son, if God didn't care and we were destined to just "make do" then why lead the Israelite from Egypt? Why don't just give them contentment making pyramids and providing what they need?
I'm then reminded of Jeremiah I have plans to prosper and give you a future. Catholicism taught that was past. Currently I believe it's for us at any time in history provided he is our God. So things have not been darker in my lifetime. So why not us and why not now? Exciting and nerve racking for sure! I love roller coasters but not this one! The idea of a new republic is so surreal but why not....
Lovely story, I enjoyed reading that. :) It is kinda interesting that it won't just be the Roman Church that falls, according to Mark Taylor (think Clement might have mentioned it too) most of the Churches will have problems and will be revealed to not be of God, but Mammon (or worse). Look at people like Franklyn Graham and the way he and others are abandoning Trump and sucking up to Biden. Fakes all of them.
As per Taylor, those Churches who have 501 (I think?) are not serving God, and they will be the ones to convince their flocks that the coming vaccinations are NOT the Mark Of The Beast and perfectly safe to take. (I don't think the chip is in this one, I think it is just to get us used to mandated vaccines, could be wrong though).
What was it Q said about who do people trust the most? Has to be the priests and pastors as nobody truly trusts politicians. I think darkness infiltrated the Churches a very long time ago.
Then there is the Mormons, they have been linked with the child trafficking networks too, and are very big players in the corruption.
I always wanted to live in momentous times, a turning point of history if you like, but man it is nerve wracking and outright terrifying. Of course when it's all over and the good guys win (for now) I'll think it was the most thrilling journey ever.
At the moment it is giving me an ulcer! It's like a roller coaster and I hate roller coaster rides!
I think of that meme from Airplane where Lloyd Bridges said it looks like a bad day to quit smoking. LOL!
Haha I understand that. Jerome was the reference I was to investigate btw.
I just read where Trump dissolved the USA Inc on December 31 2020 and the Republic will take affect in March. I'm really hoping we don't have to go thru a sham of a fake election.
I agree with points that Trump wouldn't have been so calm yesterday if he knew the impending doom we were facing. And that would make this a very unjust world. I believe we were headed towards judgment but yet as God gives us free will, many are turning back so I do believe he will save us to raise up a generation after his heart and his people. It's undeniable listening to Christian music these days vs what it was years ago. It's powerful, it's life changing.
I'd be lying if I said I'm sleeping like a baby lol. I'm exhausted but honestly a lot of it isn't sitting back and waiting. It's praying down heaven's armies and warring angels to do battle. It's exhausting and sometimes hard to believe we are living something like Egypt or Esther. But yet as I told my son, if God didn't care and we were destined to just "make do" then why lead the Israelite from Egypt? Why don't just give them contentment making pyramids and providing what they need?
I'm then reminded of Jeremiah I have plans to prosper and give you a future. Catholicism taught that was past. Currently I believe it's for us at any time in history provided he is our God. So things have not been darker in my lifetime. So why not us and why not now? Exciting and nerve racking for sure! I love roller coasters but not this one! The idea of a new republic is so surreal but why not....