Also, China currently is suffering devastating natural occurrences, 1.2 billion souls who are not Commies want to break away.and have declared it. The federation of free Chinese states is standing up to ccp. Bannon is assisting. We.likely are fuxking with their internals which to destabilize. Maybe they get real.traction
what does it mean
He's kind been saying fuck china for a week now.
He's been saying fuck China for years. Especially throughout 2020. It makes the CCP ree and they declared him the enemy of mankind.
Yeah but his tweets over the last week or 2 have half been about China and opposing them.
pompeo is poking the xi jinpooh bear. they want control of taiwan. biden promised them they could take it when he gets in office.
Like XI
Makes you wonder why “stranger things” was so big...
Also, China currently is suffering devastating natural occurrences, 1.2 billion souls who are not Commies want to break away.and have declared it. The federation of free Chinese states is standing up to ccp. Bannon is assisting. We.likely are fuxking with their internals which to destabilize. Maybe they get real.traction
And China is Number Asshoe