So pompeo's tweets went '5, 4, 3, 2, 1' and then he broke the 30 min cycle with this RT of a tweet about maps and articles from April 20 .... Q drop on April 20 says 'Trump card coming'
So pompeo's tweets went '5, 4, 3, 2, 1' and then he broke the 30 min cycle with this RT of a tweet about maps and articles from April 20 .... Q drop on April 20 says 'Trump card coming'
It's something Q says a lot in the drops. 5:5, or 5 by 5, is radio/military/signals code for Loud and Clear. So 2:1 would be low volume, really garbled/staticky/unintelligible. Also 5:5 can mean 'Understood.'
Yeah I got what you said loud and clear. 10/4 good buddy. ?
What's the origin of this map? Sorry I'm new to Q only just started researching a few days ago after seeing a youtube video someone put on TDW. Is this some official Q map or just something made by anons?
Gab posted this image at the same time.
Frogs. Locusts. The plague? Biblical?
A plague of darkness. At the Vatican?
The Gab ceo even mentioned the Holodrom which was a genocide of Ukrainians by starvation
List of the ten plagues
After locusts comes darkness?
He just un-retweeted it!! Not a drill
We need more people checking his feed on every 5 min mark to see if he RT and un-RT anything else. I just happened to catch this one by luck!
OP, have you seen this thread? Very interesting.
So pompeo's tweets went '5, 4, 3, 2, 1' and then he broke the 30 min cycle with this RT of a tweet about maps and articles from April 20 .... Q drop on April 20 says 'Trump card coming'
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, trump card coming
The tweet he retweeted says April 22, not April 20.
The tweet was made April 22 but the CONTENTS of the tweet say all over them "April 20"... Now look at what he just comm'd:
"The date vs actual". It's referenced in the very next tweet!
So pompeo's tweets went '5, 4, 3, 2, 1' and then he broke the 30 min cycle with this RT of a tweet about maps and articles from April 20 .... Q drop on April 20 says 'Trump card coming'
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, trump card coming
It's an old tweet from April 22 2020?? Q #422 just says "Test 2"
Live of RT'd tweet:
The retweet happened exactly at 5:50pm EST
The storm is upon us...
It's something Q says a lot in the drops. 5:5, or 5 by 5, is radio/military/signals code for Loud and Clear. So 2:1 would be low volume, really garbled/staticky/unintelligible. Also 5:5 can mean 'Understood.' Yeah I got what you said loud and clear. 10/4 good buddy. ?
"The MAP is the key"
Did anyone save a higher res version of the map???
This is a great theory, thank you. I've opened a new thread specifically dedicated to this idea, here:
Not to link to Reddit but its only copy I have.... you mean this one?
What's the origin of this map? Sorry I'm new to Q only just started researching a few days ago after seeing a youtube video someone put on TDW. Is this some official Q map or just something made by anons?
That is THE "map" that Q refers to? You are sure?
There appears to be multiple versions on the gov website so I’m assuming we need the one with the correct date. April 20, 2020?
And full report
I’d you flip it upside down, it looks like a man in a boxing pose!
probably vatican slave trade network route. USAID helps fund it?