I vaguely remeber Trump saying something to the effect of "if I lose to Biden out of all candidates, I might as well start hiding in my basement out of shame" at the rallies. The "not leaving the public stage" statement might be interesting in this context
first 3 words are what matter
Rep Gaetz on? I spoke with?
He's not resigning
Okay, a little facetious in the late night excitement, I knew what it was, sorry ?
happens bro
They are talking about the call to resign immediately though. MSM can't stop harping about that as if it might happen.
Trying to twist reality and perception
spiritual war
they won't win
I vaguely remeber Trump saying something to the effect of "if I lose to Biden out of all candidates, I might as well start hiding in my basement out of shame" at the rallies. The "not leaving the public stage" statement might be interesting in this context
We all know he didn't lose, though.
I remember he saying this, too.
Don't forget, we are also the majority by 80 million.
100 million when you count in the destroyed ballots.
Seem to only be hearing from people that have talked to trump... Be something if some repubs used him as a Martyr to get support.
He’s not leaving the public stage suggest he will still be holding rallies but will mot be president.