posted ago by weholdthesetruths ago by weholdthesetruths +72 / -0

Let's say you're the deep state. Q followers are taking these hyper cryptic posts and start lining things up. They start noticing patterns and connections and deriving logical conclusions from those. Q never comes out and says anything explicitly, nor does Trump, so they maintain plausible deniability.

How do you as the Deep State fight that head on? You can't. The Deep State has lulled Americans into shallow thinking. Tweets are 120 characters. Headlines rule the mind, not content. They can't admit that the connections people are making are legit, but anybody who looks at them honestly has to admit they can't be coincidental.

Their only hope has been to call it a conspiracy theory, and that hasn't worked. All that's done is increase curiosity about it, and more people come, read, and convert. You can see that they've followed the prescription: "First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win."

They're fighting us directly now.

We win.