Let's say you're the deep state. Q followers are taking these hyper cryptic posts and start lining things up. They start noticing patterns and connections and deriving logical conclusions from those. Q never comes out and says anything explicitly, nor does Trump, so they maintain plausible deniability.
How do you as the Deep State fight that head on? You can't. The Deep State has lulled Americans into shallow thinking. Tweets are 120 characters. Headlines rule the mind, not content. They can't admit that the connections people are making are legit, but anybody who looks at them honestly has to admit they can't be coincidental.
Their only hope has been to call it a conspiracy theory, and that hasn't worked. All that's done is increase curiosity about it, and more people come, read, and convert. You can see that they've followed the prescription: "First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win."
They're fighting us directly now.
We win.
Have you forgotten that about a month or so before the election they started hammering Trump on it, and Trump deflected so masterfully like "They want to fight pedophiles, is that a bad thing?" but the media kept trying to paint Q as a dangerous lunatic cult.
Then they sent out Antifa to LARP as Q and cause trouble. They eventually gave up on it when they saw the general public didn't think people on the internet looking for evidence of pedophiles was a bad thing. A little "Streisand effect" if you will. Only the deep state would consider stopping child trafficking a bad thing.
SG: “There’s not a satanic pedophile cult being run by the Democratic party?”
DT: “I have no idea. I know nothing about that—”
SG: “You don’t know that?!”
DT: “No I don’t know that. And neither do you know that.”
Haha rewatch that clip and youll see trump makes the most barely detectable smirk when he is asked about Qanon.
Possibly true, but this is when it gets hard and we all better buckle down and stomach up.
I already see doomers mentally failing in the last week and I have spent as much time keeping morale up amongst my group as I have learning what all is happening.
There are doomers out there, but there are people headed in the other direction too. My wife and two adult daughters - who used to joke about my tinfoil hat - are now firmly redpilled.
This is also true as well.
?♀️?♀️?♀️ This is me. I threatened my husband with a tin foil hat for 2.5 years.
We just got off the phone with our financial advisor. Told him not to do anything rash with our investments until the election was settled. He had no clue what we were talking about. Gave him the 5 minute red pill spiel.
Just proves that there are very conservative folks out there that are still clueless.
That reminds me I need to call my dad. He's on a constant downward spiral right now and needs frequent buoying.
Well said. Thank you for posting.