post POTUS means 2024
"This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can simply undo it [band-aid]."
If Trump won the election on 11/4, he would never be able to prove how corrupt the elections are and have been. IMO Similar to the reason he hasn't challenged Big Tech or Covid lockdowns with anything but words. If he can end it at any time, it is in his and our interest for the deepstate/ChiComs/WEF and their allies to be has truthful with how evil they are. I believe Trump is either letting them show their evil with covid cult lockdowns and "enabling act" style fight against Trump supporters they label as domestic terrorists
The senate censure of the capital "insurrection" sounded like every senator was reading a script, which makes me feel that every bad actor was already arrested, and any event past Jan 6 is Trump forcing them to reveal their 4 year plan in <15 days. I've heard people say this about the whole presidency regarding the "you are watching a movie" Q quote regarding NK relations. If Trump was in 100% control, letting them do their evil plans would be in the best interests of the people long term. I always felt it's more realistic to believe that Trump has such a good poker face of incompetence that is also enforced by their media, that most people genuinely believe at least somewhat that he is incompetent. This is until they go against the plan, then he needs to show what he has on them.
post POTUS means 2024 "This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can simply undo it [band-aid]." If Trump won the election on 11/4, he would never be able to prove how corrupt the elections are and have been. IMO Similar to the reason he hasn't challenged Big Tech or Covid lockdowns with anything but words. If he can end it at any time, it is in his and our interest for the deepstate/ChiComs/WEF and their allies to be has truthful with how evil they are. I believe Trump is either letting them show their evil with covid cult lockdowns and "enabling act" style fight against Trump supporters they label as domestic terrorists
This is what I agree with.
You have to bring it all into the light for people to see for themselves just how bad it is.
The senate censure of the capital "insurrection" sounded like every senator was reading a script, which makes me feel that every bad actor was already arrested, and any event past Jan 6 is Trump forcing them to reveal their 4 year plan in <15 days. I've heard people say this about the whole presidency regarding the "you are watching a movie" Q quote regarding NK relations. If Trump was in 100% control, letting them do their evil plans would be in the best interests of the people long term. I always felt it's more realistic to believe that Trump has such a good poker face of incompetence that is also enforced by their media, that most people genuinely believe at least somewhat that he is incompetent. This is until they go against the plan, then he needs to show what he has on them.
I agree with you.