Many of us have been banned off Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, Tiktok, Youtube, and other places, like I have. Anons have been almost totally removed from the battlefield - for now.
We have fought the good fight for 4 years in support of the Great Awakening.
We've done all the research, redpilling, meme making, and info dissemination we could have done - an amazing amount of content. We woke up millions - worldwide.
Q thanked us for our work and said it could not have been done without us.
Now it's their turn to follow through and finish this.
Enjoy the show my frens. Be safe and God bless you all.
I agree. All we have left to do is wait. We've done our part. At this point, if the Normies and Leftists aren't awake to what's really going on, I don't know what to tell them to convince them. I also believe this is the 10 Days of Darkness Q originally alluded to. Which is making it harder and harder to disseminate the info we need disseminated.
On another note, and for what it's worth, I've been having a lot of "de ja vu" moments yesterday and today when looking at all this stuff. Pretty sure I've seen these instances dreams that feel like memories. Including replying to this post. I can't be the only one experiencing this.