Yes! I was just wondering this the other day. Q’s battle is clearly not just domestic, but international. It’s not about country vs country anymore. The Deep State is present in many countries. Just as there are “Patriots” in other countries as well. There is a divide in many countries right now, and we are fighting good vs evil.
I thought for sure Merkel, Macron and EU were globalists. Is this a sort of virtue signal? Why would they defend arrumo when they’ve been working towards their Great Reset?
Genuinely surprised at this.
Yes! I was just wondering this the other day. Q’s battle is clearly not just domestic, but international. It’s not about country vs country anymore. The Deep State is present in many countries. Just as there are “Patriots” in other countries as well. There is a divide in many countries right now, and we are fighting good vs evil.
I thought for sure Merkel, Macron and EU were globalists. Is this a sort of virtue signal? Why would they defend arrumo when they’ve been working towards their Great Reset?
I heard on some Q related show that there are 22 other countries working with Q.
You guys have missed the very large push to centralize a censorship commission by the EU.
They have been demanding stricter censorship, they just want to be in direct control of it.
Yeah. "WE want to do that! We can't let AMERICA do it!"
Been happening for a while now.
As am I.
Could be Posturing though.
The great awakening. These people may realize that if they want to have any say in their own nations the USA must be liberated.
Oh they don’t care. They just don’t want AMERICAN companies doing the censoring.
Where We Go 1...... They are beginning to open their eyes. "Member when we were ALL FUCKING PEASENT SLAVES and America set us ALL free."