I understand there are rumours that DJT is a freemason, but then I suspect there are a lot of FM's on the naughty list.
I know some rank and file FM's and they don't seem the sort (although I guess no-one is going to advertise their perversion that openly).
Is it all a front? A recruitment organisation? I ask because the one thing I've been told is that you have to believe in God to join, not sure how that squares up with devil worship.
A lot of the founding fathers were free masons. I wonder if there are both masons and free masons. The main issues is that a secret society can easily be used for power and influence gain. So it's going to attract power hungry psychopaths no matter the original intention.
The people throwing the tea in to the harbor were masons. The problem is just as with any organization it could be infiltrated and it was. There are still many good ones though.
We have no involvement that I’m aware of. Can’t speak for all of us, but the ones I know certainly don’t, we all love Trump.
Anytime you have a positive impact in the community people will want to put you down
Weird, we aren’t supposed to ever really invite anyone in, they are supposed to come to you. Not saying you’re not telling the truth by any means, just that him doing that strikes me as odd, it’s sorta frowned on depending on the lodge.
I know we have meetings on Saturday morning for the potential new comers, the meetings where only members are allowed for us is indeed every Wednesday. His lodge could just be a little different than ours too, Who knows.
I think you have to believe in a supreme being, not necessarily the Christian understanding of God, it could be Allah, or the flying spaghetti monster as long as you accept there is a divine force of some kind
If they actually worship lucifer, then I believe the revelation that the god of the freemasons is lucifer doesn't get revealed to the initiates until the later degrees - majority of masons never pass the 3rd master mason degree
From my study of the degrees they run through performances/rituals of the story of Hiram Abiff (builder of King Solomons temple) and then learn hidden lessons from the story. These hidden lessons are highly secret to the masons - the "ineffable" or unspeakable degrees
Meditation is part of masonic learning. I believe they have some kind of mystical activities similar to mystical kabbalah, path of the golden dawn and other occult groups based on many similarities in the symbolisms and themes. I think the meditation teaching synchronises the left/right hemispheres of the brain and perhaps enables some kind of abilities or feelings that are not usually experienced
Looking at these other groups, they practice rituals, perhaps try to commune with spirits - or maybe the spirits are just aspects of the human psyche and its just a form of mental conditioning and nothing "supernatural"
Speak to any muslim, they will tell you the power to control the jinn lies beneath kings solomon temple.. I've not been able to draw and conclusive conclusions yet on if this is just ancient mumbo jumbo, or something more - but for sure the masons are all about king solomons temple. The temple is actually often said to represent the human body. It also traces back to the initiates of Isis in ancient egypt.
What we do know, is the masons are everywhere in senior positions, they are sworn to never report the crimes of another mason and this alone is enough to be a concern when you think about how many judges/police are masons
that's kind of where my suspicions lay as well
A good friend of mine is a mason, It is an old mans club for the most part, everything they teach is esoteric in nature, it leads to joining the Rosicrucian's for the "spiritual" among them, ultimately that clashes with raw Christians (believers in Jesus Christ) as Rosicrucian's teach that Jesus is more of a spiritual level to achieve, as opposed to the actual person being crucified for our sins as us Christians know him. I have studied them for years and "Luciferian" seems like the best descriptive term for the holistic nature of the club even if 90% of them do not realize this.
That makes a lot of sense, thanks.
There's Masonic lodges just Google map Masonic Lodge
Part one of a documentary on the history of secret societies including the emergence and background of freemasonry right up to its influence in highest level of global affairs right now. Must watch for anyone wanting to understand the Globalists' agenda and the system they use to control nations.
In the book ”morals&dogma” they make no secret of that they are Luciferian. Their ”God” is lucifer.
Thanks for taking the time to post these links, I'll have a dig into them later.
Found you again! lol