Remember when they said "We just want to get married. We're not hurting anyone. Love is love. It doesn't matter what we do in the bedroom."
I warned about the slippery slope back then. People laughed. Lo and behold only 5 years later after gay marriage we have: trannies, pedophilia, furries, polygamy, stripping pre-pubescent boys and girls in gay strip clubs or for movies, 5 billion "genders," theybies, stealing children from their parents for not forcing transitioning on them, teaching 5 year olds about anal sex and masturbating, drag queen story hour, "shout your abortion" (yes this is part of it too), and more that I can't even say.
My prediction: if this is allowed to continue, within 5 years time at minimum, 20 absolute maximum, you and your children will be FORCED to have sex with gays/trannies/lgbt++ to "prove" you're not homophobic/transphobic, even though you're straight. They will view being straight as a disease that needs to be "cured" through forced and frequent gay sex "conversion." This is already starting with trannies constantly saying "if you don't date/have sex with a trans person YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIC!! Take my girl dick AND LIKE IT!!" Pretty soon this will be mandated. They won't be able to get everyone to do it, those out in rural areas are more safe, but those in cities/suburbs are doomed, especially kids in public school. They'll probably force giant orgies like in Brave New World.
Save yourself and your kids, run away from these places.
Schools in Cali are putting gender curriculum into the anti-bullying section to circumvent the sex-ed parental opt-out. (The Rubin Report had a good episode on it.) California voters, yes even California, constantly vote against this stuff including against gay marriage, but they keep pushing. Putin gets our admiration for his solid intolerance of BS. Thank God for Trump and Q to pull us back!
Next step, normalization.
Remember when Q posted about how they are normalizing pedophilia to prepare for what's coming?
Netflix cuties
Remember when they said "We just want to get married. We're not hurting anyone. Love is love. It doesn't matter what we do in the bedroom."
I warned about the slippery slope back then. People laughed. Lo and behold only 5 years later after gay marriage we have: trannies, pedophilia, furries, polygamy, stripping pre-pubescent boys and girls in gay strip clubs or for movies, 5 billion "genders," theybies, stealing children from their parents for not forcing transitioning on them, teaching 5 year olds about anal sex and masturbating, drag queen story hour, "shout your abortion" (yes this is part of it too), and more that I can't even say.
My prediction: if this is allowed to continue, within 5 years time at minimum, 20 absolute maximum, you and your children will be FORCED to have sex with gays/trannies/lgbt++ to "prove" you're not homophobic/transphobic, even though you're straight. They will view being straight as a disease that needs to be "cured" through forced and frequent gay sex "conversion." This is already starting with trannies constantly saying "if you don't date/have sex with a trans person YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIC!! Take my girl dick AND LIKE IT!!" Pretty soon this will be mandated. They won't be able to get everyone to do it, those out in rural areas are more safe, but those in cities/suburbs are doomed, especially kids in public school. They'll probably force giant orgies like in Brave New World.
Save yourself and your kids, run away from these places.
Schools in Cali are putting gender curriculum into the anti-bullying section to circumvent the sex-ed parental opt-out. (The Rubin Report had a good episode on it.) California voters, yes even California, constantly vote against this stuff including against gay marriage, but they keep pushing. Putin gets our admiration for his solid intolerance of BS. Thank God for Trump and Q to pull us back!