Assume for argument that the election was legitimately won by Biden.
why would there still be this push for 25th or impeachment with 5 business days left?
especially when POTUS and supporters have been deplatformed and banned from social media.
and the left now claims the house, senate and White House.
That behavior seems to be rooted in fear. Didn’t they say that trump conceded at Alamo?
(And would trump really pick the Alamo as the place to surrender?)
That kind of behavior is more telling than everything else imo. The other thing is that it is done against their pecuniary and political interest (for the RINOS and businesses)
What gain could be had by drastically decreasing the numbers of users on your platform and for these woke businesses for pissing off 74 million people?
And do the rinos not feel that this will cost them votes ?
Only conclusion is that they are afraid of the trump card.
My point is that if they do what they are trying then they have breached the law and voted on it all on TV - well documented. Thus, constitutional crisis.
He could have been playing into DJT's hand by allowing cert of the fraudulent election
He blocks NP on this ridiculous move
Chris Miller spoke glowingly about him
Trump said he like him
Said it would take more courage to do nothing (RE: cert)
I am leaning toward the idea that he is definitely compromised but made a deal (despite Q saying no deals) and is cooperating with the sting. Also, I believe MP is ready to step down for DJT admin 2.0, probably a condition of his plea deal.
Assume for argument that the election was legitimately won by Biden.
why would there still be this push for 25th or impeachment with 5 business days left?
especially when POTUS and supporters have been deplatformed and banned from social media.
and the left now claims the house, senate and White House.
That behavior seems to be rooted in fear. Didn’t they say that trump conceded at Alamo? (And would trump really pick the Alamo as the place to surrender?)
I agree. The demonrats allegedly "won" everything and act like they lost everything and all the big bad guys have gone silent or disappeared.
Odd . . .
That kind of behavior is more telling than everything else imo. The other thing is that it is done against their pecuniary and political interest (for the RINOS and businesses)
What gain could be had by drastically decreasing the numbers of users on your platform and for these woke businesses for pissing off 74 million people?
And do the rinos not feel that this will cost them votes ?
Only conclusion is that they are afraid of the trump card.
Yup. They aren't celebrating AND they burned bridges with 75m+ Trump supporters, moderates/normies see everything.
"Orderly transition of power"
This could be a show to try and get us (the good guys, anyway) to "trust Pence again"
But there's one thing that sticks out:
Trump's side says "orderly transition", but the left has always stuck with "peaceful transition"
What do you think that it means?
I don't even fuckin' know
Bless your honesty.
Seriously this is a ride where you can't help but sit on the edge of your seat and cling.
My point is that if they do what they are trying then they have breached the law and voted on it all on TV - well documented. Thus, constitutional crisis.
Oh it's not your point I'm mentioning. It's the last bit of the letter.
"...under our Constitution the 25th Ammendment is not a means of punishment or usurpation..."
If they go through, VPOTUS told them that is what the 25A is for not the two things they are doing. Thus, is would result in a Constitutional crisis
Pence did not say Biden administration, just "incoming administration". Interesting...very interesting.
But he says president elect joe biden
Under what is currently known Biden is President Elect based on the illegal certification. I wouldn't read too much into it. Titles and tiaras mean nothing. ...espcially when you've stolen them
Agreed....just stating that he used that language in the letter. 2 comments up says that he just talks about the “incoming administration “
Word. ✌?
I still don't know about Pence . . .
I am leaning toward the idea that he is definitely compromised but made a deal (despite Q saying no deals) and is cooperating with the sting. Also, I believe MP is ready to step down for DJT admin 2.0, probably a condition of his plea deal.
He may just be a great actor - wasn't there a drop that made reference to that?
If he ends being a white hat, he gets the nod for best supporting actor for his role in 'Panic in DC'.
It looks a bit fake..