posted ago by Lupinate ago by Lupinate +60 / -0

I don't care how bleak it looks. That's optics, not reality. Hold the God damn line.

I don't care what congress has said, traitors' opinions and legislation doesn't matter. Hold the God DAMN line.

I don't care what you're feelings are. Until at least the 20th, trump is president, and until he isn't, do you know what you have to do?


Worry about the future when you have some clue what it really is.

Remember - this is a psyop being played by both sides, and your opinion and faith in trump is what will help secure this. You were told by people from the military during the fraud hearings that this whole thing is a psyop, so stop acting like bloody Biden with your memory problems, and remember what brought you here.

Trump won this by rights, and you know it. I know it. Zorak from SGC2C freaking knows it. Don't be peter and deny his efforts. He's a dead man walking otherwise. Do you think he's given up on you?

HOLD THE GOD DAMN LINE until there is literally no line to hold.