I have been reading lots of posts, listening to heaps of people and reading Q posts. This is my thinking. A while ago I listened to a podcast with Candace Owens and she was interviewing a general and he was “Based” as we say. He spent the back end talking about how Space is the new arms race who ever dominates space will be the next power for the next 100 years. Something to that effect. He mentioned being able to control blackouts and use them as a weapon. Recently I have been reading Q posts and seeing what is happening with the Space force and SpaceX make me think. SpaceX launches are a part of a massive military take over of space to be in control of everything, power comms satellites everything when this all goes down. Today I was listening to someone say they are able to use Space Force to communicate directly with the world. Related Info
- https://youtu.be/lLiwKqL5nko
- https://youtu.be/Kwgu3jeaMvQ
- Q Post 209 Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program? What is SpaceX? Expand your thinking. Q Thoughts.
- Q Post 437 2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein. US loses space dominance. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/08/09/obama-administration-knew-about-north-koreas-miniaturized-nukes.html IRAN Nuke deal. NK Nuke/Missile Tech. SpaceX. NASA Tech to ? HRC SAPs (private server). Connected. $$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets). EYE OF RA. Left eye [marker]. Symbolism. EVIL. STUPID. JUSTICE. Q
- Check out eye of RA on Wiki The Eye's violent aspect defends Ra against the agents of disorder that threaten his rule
Or the laser equivalent of a deringer. At Boeing, in the 1980s, our laser physics group had devised a scheme to put a single-shot chemical laser in the envelope of a 155mm cannon shell. The idea was that a 155mm cannon could be used to fire it at a suitable target. It doesn't take much imagination to think something like that could be useful in a maneuvering spacecraft, either as a single shot or multiple shots.