To summarize:
FEMA was originally designed to bypass the Constitution, especially in an event of a nationwide emergency. It divides the country into 10 regions with each assigned a "manager" and FEMA acts as a provisional government. On March 13, 2020, Trump activated FEMA under his emergency declaration. Everything about how it functions could be totally secret if they desired. They can arrest and detain citizens without warrant and hold them without trial. They can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution. They can hire their own private military and set up their own courts. FEMA is now headed by a former marine. Chad Wolf resigned from DHS, and now the FEMA director is also filling in for his position now.
Something to note:
Q never mentions FEMA once.
I don't think he wanted to lead us onto what was actually happen because it'd cause mass PANIC!
I think he actually wanted us to have faith for when we did find out, because that much power is SCARY!
Watch more here:
Ok.... what if, in order to achieve Red 4 "under the guise of citizen riot" Q is behind the riot flyers? To patriots its so obviously not made by any of us with the weird colors and design, but its mere presence circulating would be the guise needed to move troops to major cities...
ALL 50 state Capitals...
Ooooooooooooooooooooh, that is a brilliant notion! That flyer is so blatantly not MAGA-generated. The only thing it's missing is a Commie symbol itself - it's just short of THAT level of transparent. Good on you for coming up with this!