This is why we will sit here, comfortably, peacefully, on our fucking asses, as these great men do the hard work.
When the time comes, we become charity workers as God wants us to be, and volunteer to help clean up by saving the lives of those afflicted - bigger than PeaceCorps. Bigger than Food Pantry. Christ could heal. He wants us to as well.
Biggest hint to the American public in history.
This is why we will sit here, comfortably, peacefully, on our fucking asses, as these great men do the hard work.
When the time comes, we become charity workers as God wants us to be, and volunteer to help clean up by saving the lives of those afflicted - bigger than PeaceCorps. Bigger than Food Pantry. Christ could heal. He wants us to as well.
Biggest link I’ve seen dropped on this site:
I'd rather be taking the fight to [them]. At least we know what [they]'re capable of on that front, which isn't much.