Might want to wake the public first. Can you realistically imagine the shit storm if some high profile democrats were arrested and the court of public opinion didn’t know what was going on.
The purpose of this could be to try and cause less outrage.
No time. Have to get the public on your side. Build up to a crescendo then BOOM BOOM BOOM. Per the executive order and the way he has restored traitor, seditionist, etc back to the original constitutional definition they are an “enemy combatant.” Thus; they are subject to the UCMJ aka military tribunal and punishment. There is no public trial. Checkmate!
Not a Doomer! But I couldn’t help get a bad gut feeling when I saw this. Why not wait to release this during the trials after the arrests?
Maybe I’m overthinking things! Someone straighten me out and give me good counter reasons!
Might want to wake the public first. Can you realistically imagine the shit storm if some high profile democrats were arrested and the court of public opinion didn’t know what was going on.
The purpose of this could be to try and cause less outrage.
Maybe to soften things up before the final blow?
No time. Have to get the public on your side. Build up to a crescendo then BOOM BOOM BOOM. Per the executive order and the way he has restored traitor, seditionist, etc back to the original constitutional definition they are an “enemy combatant.” Thus; they are subject to the UCMJ aka military tribunal and punishment. There is no public trial. Checkmate!
The Plan says FISA=start. Time to f-king goooo!