If you do a search on Huber you will get 151 results here https://qanon.pub. You have to load all drops by clicking the arrow on the top right (Some drops are duplicate info)
Here is a good drop 1753:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 58456f No.2340517?
Jul 29 2018 13:53:05 (EST)
Bottom to top.
FISA = Foundation.
People are more aware of current events.
Establish link.
Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS.
Public awareness.
Evidence introduced.
MSM covert link.
Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations.
How do you build a home?
Foundation to structure (layers).
Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc).
Logical thinking.
I much prefer this site; runs faster and the dark theme is easier on the eyes:
Also; use this link. To go direct to any particular drop, just put the number at the end.
That link takes you to 143; any other drop you want to go directly to (great for linking here!) just replace the "143" with whatever drop # you want to go to. :-)
When you went to https://qanon.pub, did you click on the arrow (or it could be an upside down A) in the top right hand corner? You need to do that to load all the drops. It takes a minute or two for all of them to load.
Then, do a Ctrl F to type in a search word. If you type in Huber, it should show you there are 151 results. If you type in FISA there should be 225 results.
Any further details on: FISA will be the start and prepare public for ]HUBER[. FOUNDATION BUILT HUBER.
I mean, this is a no name unlike the others in this post so for Q to mention him twice seems like a big deal?
If you do a search on Huber you will get 151 results here https://qanon.pub. You have to load all drops by clicking the arrow on the top right (Some drops are duplicate info)
Here is a good drop 1753:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 58456f No.2340517?
Jul 29 2018 13:53:05 (EST)
Bottom to top.
FISA = Foundation.
People are more aware of current events.
Establish link.
Think criminal/illegal act(s) to prevent/overturn Presidential election of POTUS.
Public awareness.
Evidence introduced.
MSM covert link.
Think Sessions open statement re: leak investigations.
How do you build a home?
Foundation to structure (layers).
Layers (U1, Iran, Human Traffic, Haiti, Corruption, etc etc).
Logical thinking.
I much prefer this site; runs faster and the dark theme is easier on the eyes: https://qalerts.app/
Also; use this link. To go direct to any particular drop, just put the number at the end. https://qalerts.app/?n=143
That link takes you to 143; any other drop you want to go directly to (great for linking here!) just replace the "143" with whatever drop # you want to go to. :-)
Hope this helps.
When you went to https://qanon.pub, did you click on the arrow (or it could be an upside down A) in the top right hand corner? You need to do that to load all the drops. It takes a minute or two for all of them to load. Then, do a Ctrl F to type in a search word. If you type in Huber, it should show you there are 151 results. If you type in FISA there should be 225 results.