During the most watched television show across America while the president cannot tweet? The broadcasting system is his what the fuck is going on?
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What show? Was it an EMERGENCY BROADCAST?
Or was it just a commercial.
No it was not the broadcast emergency system it was regular TV in the middle of the damn show
what do you mean?
While America was watching Wheel of Fortune on CBS they broken for Joe Biden President elect giving a financial speech covid speech jobs unbelievable ABC carrying it as well.
Of course it is! the point is you don't break into show just because you want to talk when everyone's listening if it's not really emergency news and you just want to talk and act like you're the president. we own the airwaves and they are not to be used like that and Trump should stop that right now. He has his FCC Chair!
What the actual fuck!!!! Not that I don’t believe this (we don’t watch broadcast tv), but this is taking shit too far.
More content needed. Come on man.
I caught the tail end of it on NBC. He was laying out his $1.9 Trillion Covid-19 relief plan.
Tax and spend, tax and spend, tax and spend...
What exactly are you talking about? No, really....WHAT?
This is making me very nervous.
I don't watch TV anymore except old stuff - well and Oak Island. So what day did this happen?
It was a beautiful soft-intro to communism ... $15/hr minimum wage will shred small businesses within six months. 8/10ths of America are going to be Trump fans by noon eastern tomorrow. Beautiful!
Wait what?
Our own eyes while we were watching and checked all stations.
It was CBS and ABC that broken and are still carrying it!
Show tits or GTFO...
While my husband was watching Wheel of Fortune that comes on at 7 p.m. in the middle of the damn game show that National broadcast station we are taxed and pay for allowed Joe Biden to break the shock in and give a speech they allowed him to do this it was not an emergency broadcast it was another feeble speech by Joe that they broke into National TV when most viewers are sitting down watching do you understand this now?