This is the start of the end for China
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Why would a firm as big as Blackrock unwind from China so late in the game? Exactly.
At this point Blackrock has no choice, just as all the other funds that hold Chicom stocks. Trump timed it just perfectly, so everything aligns at the same time.
The makings of a perfect day.
Great., I want more Knife twisting. More Pain for China's ruling class, and government.
This will elicit a strong response from CCP, which will allow Trumpto land the kiull shot. It will be glorious.
All these international loose ends need to be tied up before the domestic arrests can happen
What is the "kill shot"?
I believe that Trump needs to disarm / destroy some nuclear / bio-weapon arsenal thats under Xi's control and is what is stopping any other families from overthrowing him. We will need to use one of the space force weapons to take it out, and for that we need China to assume a war posture - even escalate it to the point of launching an attack. That will give enough pretext for Trump to finish it off.
So we’re going to see Communist China, with the whimper of a small dog, collapse in on itself like the Soviet Union. Dying without ever having fired a shot.
Defeating China with the Art of War by Sun Tsu. Nothing sweeter than that
Blackrock manages the TSP, Federal 401k retirement system. Pretty big news.