Here's mine, although I've never been so unsure how something would happen.
Saturday: More of the same. Big booms to only those paying attention.
Sunday: Some major arrests for voter fraud is announced.
Monday: Big voter fraud confessions are revealed, implicating those in highest office.
Tuesday: Joe Biden and Kamala are implicated.
Wednesday: Trump makes his farewell speech, but it sounds directed to the swamp.
Many congressmen do not show up to Biden's inauguration in fear of getting locked in.
Everyone waits in anticipation for Joe and he never shows up. Later it learned that the military has detained him.
Antifa wants to riot, but with the national guard, how?
Through a series of shuffles, Pompeo becomes acting President.
More and more damning evidence is released all week.
Next week, mass arrests of swamp critters begin to take place by the military.
It is a messy month. Pompeo and military get most of the negative optics.
Feb: 17: A new congress declares a new election on Feb 25. Trump wins all 50 states.
Mar 3: Trump is sworn in to his second term.
Ok. Your turn!
Shit is going to happen that I have no control over nor any idea of WHAT it will be.
I will ride my motorcycle in 50 degree weather all leathered up and be glad to be alive. Might write a song about things.
I'll browse here and listen to Salty and watch Star Trek Enterprise on Hulu.
Bottom line is after 50 years of political / social activism it is quite impossible to do much but guess at what is about to go down in the world.
This is what I sing about:
I feel like cabal/crimes against humanity stuff has to surface to help bring nation together against a common enemy. That approach would be shocking, of course, to those who admire Killary, Obummer, and other Hollywood maggots, but I feel it's necessary to shake them out of their deep sleep.
I predict only victory!
China Joe is a no show.
The markets will have a covid collapse
I just want this shite to be done... I am sick of never-ending liars on tv & covid, lockdown, mask, governor/mayor mandate bs. Now same bs until march??? FML.