posted ago by Q_Chungus_James ago by Q_Chungus_James +29 / -1

New member here but I've been browsing GAW since I saw a cross post form TDW. I was watching a video talking about Q Proofs and they made a point that I thought was interesting. A couple of years ago, at the height of the media's "QAnon" debunking attempts, people started celebrating the 17th of the month as "Q Day" because Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

If we look at the 6th of January and count 10 days from there (as Acting SecDef Ezra Cohen has mentioned or at least alluded to), tomorrow, the 17th of January is Day Zero of the countdown.

I would expect something big to happen then. Just a gut feeling.

Also, have a blessed Sunday, my fellow QTards. God wins!