I think Lin Wood said as much on his last “Fire Side Chat”(May not have been him). Basically that we are at war with China but people haven’t realized it yet.
Yeah, I tend to agree. I heard that China has troops at both Borders. So maybe they’re concerned about that... I’ve also heard prophecies where people saw UN troops in DC. So maybe there is some truth to that the military knows of. I honestly have no idea but I think we’ll know in a few short days.
Don't underestimate the corruption within most of the EU countries as well. I think China has been infiltrating them as well. Even though their people are not against us their are plenty of people inside their swamp that are invested in America being under control, and on the path to being tamed.
My guess is rioters at the capitol if Biden is not sworn in and right after unrest in all 50 states (staged colour revolution) an attempt at a Chinese invasion.
I could be way off base but there is too much military activity for just antifa and BLM. Those two groups scatter quickly when met with any riot control force.
These current operations look more like an offensive setup with a defensive role as well. The sea patrols are the most concerning. Basically there is likely submarines off our coasts.
We are at war. Change my mind!
I think Lin Wood said as much on his last “Fire Side Chat”(May not have been him). Basically that we are at war with China but people haven’t realized it yet.
These convoys are not just to do a mass arrest and calm riots after.
Too much fortifications and strategic deployment.
Yeah, I tend to agree. I heard that China has troops at both Borders. So maybe they’re concerned about that... I’ve also heard prophecies where people saw UN troops in DC. So maybe there is some truth to that the military knows of. I honestly have no idea but I think we’ll know in a few short days.
Also what’s up with all the cargo ships that showed up en masse https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:-118.178/centery:33.686/zoom:12 same thing up in Vancouver (scroll up)
China, Iran, and our own corrupt politicians.
That's what I think.
Don't underestimate the corruption within most of the EU countries as well. I think China has been infiltrating them as well. Even though their people are not against us their are plenty of people inside their swamp that are invested in America being under control, and on the path to being tamed.
I'm guessing more than one enemy.
More troops in DC than anywhere else in the world.
Rolling in medium and light heavy combat vehicles near the Pentagon.
P8s constantly patrolling both coasts and the gulf.
B52s being scrambled daily.
You tell me - is that normal?
I've known something hasn't been normal for along time. Just looking for other opinions.
My guess is rioters at the capitol if Biden is not sworn in and right after unrest in all 50 states (staged colour revolution) an attempt at a Chinese invasion.
I could be way off base but there is too much military activity for just antifa and BLM. Those two groups scatter quickly when met with any riot control force.
These current operations look more like an offensive setup with a defensive role as well. The sea patrols are the most concerning. Basically there is likely submarines off our coasts.
An invisible enemy.