They know this is it for them. We know they are the child of the MI6/CIA/Cabal and if Trump stops Biden they are done. Over.
They are a cornered animal and have nothing left to lose. Guaranteed they have assets within our own military. These are long game people and likely have been raising children since birth for this event.
No doubt our team knows this and is ready. Jan 20th is going to go down as one of the biggest days in all history.
NCSWIC. God speed.
I hate to suggest this...but...
Are we prepared to survive a limited nuclear strike against US cities?
Is there anything at all citizens can do to survive at this point?
I don’t think China would nuke the US. They’d rather have a boots on the ground war more than anything because nuclear war would be all for nothing.
I'll see your limited nuclear strike, and raise one a demolished Three Gorges Dam.
War over, as China's productive capacity and food supply is swept out to sea.
Problem with that is if we take out the 3 gorges dam and kill 20 million Chinese citizens with a flood, the remaining 980 million will be eager to hit us back.
That's why it's ever more diabolical that they supposedly have a bio weapons lab, nuclear storage facility, and adrenochrome lab built underneath the dam.
Most of the remaining 980 million will not want anything to do with us. Most of the people hate the regime. The population most oppressed by the CCP is the average Chinese citizen. This is why CCP runs a surveillance state. To control the people who hate them. CCP fears revolution.
Most of them are rural villagers, have no love for the CCP, and little concern outside of their own hamlet.