21 Is anyone getting music now from that countdown site? I am. It just started out of nowhere. Weird. (chanology.com) posted 4 years ago by Trumpette13171 4 years ago by Trumpette13171 +22 / -1 30 comments share 30 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I cannot believe you guys are actually watching that. Did it ever occur to you something bad might come out of it.
This youtube link is in the source code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQtjJZ0Ltu0
(from another thread) Another page on that domain is: https://chanology.com/floyd-memorial/ In the source code for that is this:
<!-- A big thank you to Alphabet for the majority of the funding for this project, which was difficult to put together through all the emotion and physical breaking down into pools of tears. Now we must fight on. #Biden2020 --><!DOCTYPE html>
HOLY SHIT! What is this countdown for???
No clue
They delayed it 6 min. Mine ends at 12:06
Same here.
How long has this been counting down?
Not sure. At least a few days cause that’s when I first saw it.
we found it a couple days ago
Countdown ended and it went to a my pillow commercial via YouTube.
I'm not getting music.
Link to song ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Wytn-_MSBo&ab_channel=EnigmaEvocative
If this was about a protest that went down in 2008 > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Chanology
What is it for now??
Well, the music is nice...at least what i am hearing right now.
right click the page and hit save as. File comes up as NCSWIC Lock-in Confirmed.
I’m not getting any music??
Yes ! Starting to think this is for real. And creepy.
Don't get your hopes too high... I believe I saw somewhere that this chanology is tied to BLM/Antifa... so probable troll incoming.
Also saw it might be anonymous trying to get some porn back up (no lie)