I see security ramped up and I've been going up and down thinking about everything but I don't see any "happenings" or insanity more than one would expect the DS to do in a Trump presidency.
We keep looking at it one way but, but I think to myself. Why WOULDN'T the DS put on a stupid show like 30k troops and ramped up media bullshit, FBI claims, Fake arrests of "man with gun and ammo on way to DC" etc etc.
This way, after their false flag, the normies go under 911 style hypnosis once again and the communists pump new law after law. So far, they've gotten the house, Senate and presidency (on their swamp papers) and as far as the media and normies go, it's Biden. I don't know, I see A LOT of fucking Ls from our side. And I see a swamp that seems to be tightening grip.
What am I missing? Look I am all in for the plan but ffs throw us a bone here. Can someone explain to me what I am missing here? I'm NOT dooming. Everyday there's 50 posts about power outages coming today and "pack food tonight it's here!" And on and on. Then the next day I see the white house being cleansed. What happened to the declass? Anything major come out of that?
All the shit I've seen saying to my normie friends is getting closer to dying and I'm gonna look like a fucking lunatic.
The deep state does not have control of the military Trump does.
How do you know that? They've had control of it for God knows how long. I don't understand this logic. They seem to control everything else but we are to believe the most important piece of the puzzle they lost control of?
Because National Guard in DC answer directly to the POTUS. It’s on paper.
No they haven't. The military answers to the president. Clinton was supposed to be president. Note, Obama neglected the military intentionally, while providing intercontinental missile tech to North Korea and Iran and empowering ISIS. Understand, that it is our military troops who had to deal with Obama's bullshit for 8 years. Trump was in office for 1 year and ISIS was decimated. Just goes to show you how much Obama was fucking things up... intentionally. He was purposely ignoring the advice of military commanders. He had a more devious plan. His job was to manage American decline while China takes the #1 spot militarily and economically.
At any rate look at the acting secretary of defense. Green beret special ops badass. The people who lost their friends in battle to these sociopaths, the ones that really know, they haven't forgotten.
It's easier to infiltrate Washington bureaucracies because you never have to stick your neck on the line. Our troops do.
Oh and if what they say about Seal Team 6 is true, there isn't a soldier in this country that won't fight for the chance to kill these demons.