posted ago by Wayshuba ago by Wayshuba +66 / -1

I have been wondering if we may get a deus ex machina moment right at the end of this - and that is what would "shock" the world.

Here me out on this one.

There have been many posts that the Biden we see today is not the true Biden and could be a body-double. Think about the basement campaign. Could this have been to keep the actor away from people in Washington that might have known he wasn't the real Biden? Has he met with anyone in Washington from Congress since becoming President-Elect? Why has Kamala Harris, famous for her loud mouth, been so quiet during the Presidential Campaign and after winning as VP-Elect? Why has she STILL not resigned her Senate seat?

Now they cancel the rehearsal on Sunday because of "security concerns". Really? Almost 30,000 military and central DC turned into a military base and their are "security concerns"?

So that leads me to my take on the deus ex machina moment. The real Biden has already been arrested. The actor Biden, that we see today, is a plant to help the white hats connect with all the traitors and the CCP. China thinks they are dealing with the real Biden - as does all the traitors - when in fact, the actor Biden is undercover helping all the white hats.

The actor is either going to be "arrested" for treason in front of the whole world, along with Kamala Harris, or give a concession speech before being sworn in when he admits to the treasonous scheme. Also, all these traitors that have been uncovered will be arrested all in one day. This has to happen otherwise, once the actor Biden is arrested for treason the other traitors - particularly those in the battleground states - are going to run.

I know, this is probably just wishful thinking - but still it would be a great ending to the movie!