I bet that’s where the elites have their doomsday bunker
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Ever read anything about admiral bird?
I kinda miss the old days when I researched for pleasure. Never was a current events guy before Trump gave me a reason to care. The problem with trying to keep up with current events is there is always something more current. It leaves little time for anything else. Thank God I took the time when I had it back in the day, some shit you don't forget.
Lots of talk about the satanic nature of the cabal. Ever look at cult of the black sun? Explains their crazy ways better than anything else I have come across.
Stop trying to keep up with things. Be content with ur current thirst for truth. It will find ways to Give u what u need to hear as far as current events. Just accept what u have experienced in ur journey is the current event taking place and its just the start of alot of peoples journey. Everything that happens is just leading us to that. Once u know the end the middle loses its sense of control over u. Most news nowadays isn't meant for us or atleast meant to change us. It's so people that need to see the extreme before they can let themselves see anything but there own views get every chance to join us
I missed the Admiral Bird one. Based on what you're saying here, not sure I want to know.
The choice is yours.
Maybe you could? Interesting stuff is an understatement.