Could it be that the Russians were one of the only Countries' not willing to buy into the NWO with China.
What if the Biblical event, or the something we never could have imagined, actually be a Russia/USA joint task force assembling to take down the CCP?
Russia is not our enemy, as we will soon see.
If you read the two reports by the IC, ODNI and the letter from Ratliff it literally says that there was a huge conspiracy from the ODNI to make it seem like Russia had more and China had less, when China definitely interfered with the election and the scope is large.
Yep. Juan o savin says it ties back to uranium one. Skimming material off for a bomb that was to be used to start a nuclear war.
We were always brainwashed to hate Russia - I remember in school learning if one country would attack us it was Russia -- so all they had to do is crank up Russia narrative.
To take the heat off Chyna.
Lots of Americans have a hold over distrust of Russians. Cold War, Military capability, takeover of Crimea, media hype, Etc. So, it was relatively easy to convince to blame it on Russia.
If USA and Russia go to war China wins. No matter what happens. And yes, I've always thought that Trump loves USA, Putin loves Russia. I just don't see a problem. Putin must know that if USA succumbs, then Russia is next on the Chinese menu. And after watching the Christmas video (it was posted in this forum a while back) of Putin talking about God and prayers being answered, it seemed to me that he knew about Q. And China is surrounded by many enemies who know them for what they are. India has 1.3 billion people.
Not sure if you were catching what I was kicking.
Well it certainly wouldn't be the first time that's happened to me! And yes, it's certainly possible Russia is working with Trump somehow, despite all the phony Russia collusion stuff. Or was it? Just makes you head spin sometimes.
to distract from china.
Because most Americans were already conditioned to accept Russia as the enemy from the decades long Cold War. The communist left wanted us to look at Russia while they were literally and figuratively getting into bed with China. JMO.
Because you never tell the real enemy you're going to hit them.
I think there is a few reasons, one of which, inciting a war with Russia would give China an excuse to interfere. Another reason is, and this sound stupid, but Russians are white. This
maybe russia hacked the dominion machine to have a fair election
What I'm saying is, is Team Trump assembling a mega force with Russia to take down China. Bypass the comprimised Politicians and go directly to China and eliminate the root cause.
Since the Jesuit Order-driven communist USSR failed, and Russia made it very clear that it ain't coming back, DS hasn't let one opportunity of painting Russia as a villain go to waste.
I think it has to do with uranium 1 scam and the original 16 year DS plan.
16 yr plan DS wanted to start a war with russia and herald in the NMO with the help of the U.N