Operation Trust was a COUNTER INTELLIGENCE operation, which is used to prevent a certain outcome largely using misinformation and disinformation . It was meant to suppress information.
Q is an INTELLIGENCE operation, which is used to achieve a certain outcome using a combination of information and disinformation. It was meant to reveal information.
Misinformation = false information with no regards to intent
Information = real to inform.
Disinformation = false information with specific tactical intent
Disinformation can be misinformation. But misinformation might not be disinformation.
Thanks. ~Former Counter-Intel Guy.
I've got nothing against Pieczenik, but I've kept in mind that Q warned repeatedly: once a clown, always a clown.
Either way watching Steve calling Alex a punk that he’s used for 20 years was unreal. Steve was laying AJ out on his own show mocking him for vitamin ads and saying basically “fuck up. You are fake and you know it. Let me talk. We both know who and what you are.” The dynamic is pretty fascinating. Just keep in mind - AJ is %100 full of shit. Now we have Steve & Flynn both on AJ? Why? I don’t trust Free Speech Systems LLC whatsoever and Rob Dew is MOSSAD and runs the entire thing. Corsi burned trying to out Q. AJ said “QANONs did the Capital Thing, wanted to kidnap Congressman w ZipTies” AJ is freaked cuz he’s about to burn one way or the other. He knows. They all know. Hence Steve laughing at his fat ass
Edit: rsv https://banned. video/watch?id=5fff54d4df45e13f8fff86a7
Same for Robert David Steele
Was he? We should keep a running list. Not to tell people "this guy is bad don't listen to him!" but just so that folks are AWARE. Then they can choose and keep it in mind.