28 () posted 4 years ago by lifeofdhamma 4 years ago by lifeofdhamma +29 / -1 29 comments share 29 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Lol so Obama is a part of Q? Let's not get that tin-foily.
or...... hes in jail and they have access to his twitter
To be fair, most of these people have teams that handle their Twitter. They aren't like Papa Trump swigging diet cokes and tweeting on the toilet.
Q unlock Hussein phone at French rendition site.
Or its from France as the time says 11:33am and it's not that time yet here in the states
"...service of our own", was this posted after military's tweet about "day of service", I'm assuming? Like posturing that we have service of our own, mobilize.
He's rumoured to have a militia army of around 30k.
Obama s dead and the White Hats have his twitter account.
Do you see after the time stamp - the date? Is that originating from France? "18 de Jan de 2021"
The tweet header is also in French, odds are the user was just using a French VPN.
both are Portuguese, not French
No someone's retweeted it, from France. My mistake.
Dude that's just the twitter of whoever posted it. Mine says 8:33 AM · Jan 18, 2021·Twitter Web App. People don't know what they're looking at.
Yeah just realised that when I scrolled to the top! My bad ffs I will look harder, couldn't help but notice it after the time, sorry.
It's gotta be from Eastern Canada...they speak French in Montreal and Quebec City
Em resposta. Portuguese?
It's not even 10 am where I'm at. So I don't think this is accurate. Time zone's, derp.
Look at the date after 11:33 "18 de Jan de 2021 - French!
Comms... It's on, Prayers for the Patriots!!!
I don’t get the time, but the location IS odd!
or it just reveals device settings
Is it possible Obama's account being is under Q people ??
Q took out Sotero and took his phone