209 Trump finally disavows Q--no wait, that's Biden (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by Bye_Reddit 4 years ago by Bye_Reddit +210 / -1 27 comments download share 27 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Irony: When a dementia patient instructs you to seek mental health
That's giving him a lot of credit to think he was the one who actually made that coherent statement.
Lol Biden of all people telling people to seek mental health help is fucking gold.
C'mon man.
Also the person so paranoid of what is supposedly his own army that he wants to ‘vet’ them based on their political views and confiscate their ammunition. Who’s the one who looks crazy and paranoid now?
HE is giving out Mental Health advice??? Maybe he should talk to DR. JILL !!!!!
It's probably "Doctor" Jill who's doing his messaging.
Ever notice that the people who are quick to recommend mental help, have obviously never benefitted from mental help themselves?
Right - Q and its ideas have spread much farther than the opposition is willing to admit.
If it's a dangerous hoax made to discredit Trump supporters, why hasn't Trump taken 5 seconds to denounce it?
If Joe Biden is the definition of sane, I'll take insane!
Lady doth protest too much
I can’t because Q won’t let me.
The people who need mental health services are those that believe the government actually gives a shit about them.
Oh and shitty fathers with pedo tendencies that say their crack-addled sons are the smartest people they know.
"Are you a Junkie?"
Please seek this lnot made of 100% American made Hemp rope
Again with the projection...
Predictable and lazy