posted ago by BornAgainAmerican ago by BornAgainAmerican +10 / -1

Have to admit, he kind of stumped me with these:

  1. Trump's massive dropping of EO's is PRECISELY what a President who is on their way out would do in the few days leading up to transfer of power.

I couldn't respond to this. He made a valid point.

  1. Let's assume the "corporation" thing is true; that Trump is giving military control while the USA "corporation" is dissolved and America is restored to the people, would the EO's that Trump is passing be null and void in the new "Republic" since they were enacted during the "corporation"? If so, then why pass them? Unless, based on Obama making EO's un-cancelable by subsequent Presidents, Trump is truly on his way out and wants to pass as much shit as he can that Biden can't overturn.

Couldn't answer that one, either.