This isn't really the place... but I had time for AOC's energy way back when.
Then I realized that someone who graduates from Boston University yet thinks that unemployment is low because people work two jobs, has learned curiously little from the opportunities she has been given.
REMOVED- This is not a place to attack Q followers.
drink bleach fucking pedo sympathizer
This isn't really the place... but I had time for AOC's energy way back when.
Then I realized that someone who graduates from Boston University yet thinks that unemployment is low because people work two jobs, has learned curiously little from the opportunities she has been given.
block this faggot joined 25 min ago and is trolling
You seem afraid. You should be.
Somebody kick this dude kind of username is that..GHTFOH
You know the arrest of the cabal you are hopelessly defending is coming
And No amount of shilling can stop it
keep drinking the coolaid buddy