1045 EARTH SHATTERING — MIKE LINDELLS NOTES ENDED UP BEING TRUE (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by EllipticCurveBall 4 years ago by EllipticCurveBall +1047 / -2 139 comments download share 139 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Military wanted to do a coup against Obama, Trump said don't do that I will run and clean house.
I've seen this posted a couple times now. Where did you hear that?
It came from Jerome Corsi, he said that on one of his podcasts recently. Look him up if you have not heard of him.
These 2 articles are excellent. Full disclosure: Q has cast aspersions on Jerome Corsi, BUT.....BUT.....
Please also refer to drop #0014 - linked at bottom.