Nah, thor is a myth, Jesus is real. Jesus and the Father are one. Wouldn't expect a troll to understand. Like I said, dont be a commie. Commies get to die twice.
Nah, its been documented he was a child rapist, and a warlord. Reminder to your commie friends, I really wish you would be saved from hell. I really do, but with your heart of stone, only God can break you. He will.
Jesus was a Rabbi and considered to be a teachers of teachers. Even the high priests admired His teachings and understanding of the Torah. What you are saying is categorically false. Even Josephus, a contemporary of Jesus that was not a follower spoke great of Him, even as to mention that He could hardly be considered a man because of the extraordinary life He lived. It's quite funny you are getting all worked up by an "illiterate carpenter" though. Accept Jesus, He is the only way, the truth, and the light. Commies go to hell, you still have time to repent.
God spoke through his prophets that He is not done with America, the prophecy speaks of a time where we will have 2 presidents at once. So, if KC is correct, we shall see two different inaugurations, or someone not conceding the other being inaugurated. God said He would put Trump BACK in the WH. That means he has to leave the WH for some time.
Nah, thor is a myth, Jesus is real. Jesus and the Father are one. Wouldn't expect a troll to understand. Like I said, dont be a commie. Commies get to die twice.
What about Muhammad? I've been told by numerous people that HE was the one true prophet. What makes them wrong and you correct?
Nah, its been documented he was a child rapist, and a warlord. Reminder to your commie friends, I really wish you would be saved from hell. I really do, but with your heart of stone, only God can break you. He will.
It's proven that jesus was an illiterate I really wish you didn't believe in hell so that way you could believe in yourself.
Jesus was a Rabbi and considered to be a teachers of teachers. Even the high priests admired His teachings and understanding of the Torah. What you are saying is categorically false. Even Josephus, a contemporary of Jesus that was not a follower spoke great of Him, even as to mention that He could hardly be considered a man because of the extraordinary life He lived. It's quite funny you are getting all worked up by an "illiterate carpenter" though. Accept Jesus, He is the only way, the truth, and the light. Commies go to hell, you still have time to repent.
God spoke through his prophets that He is not done with America, the prophecy speaks of a time where we will have 2 presidents at once. So, if KC is correct, we shall see two different inaugurations, or someone not conceding the other being inaugurated. God said He would put Trump BACK in the WH. That means he has to leave the WH for some time.
Why do you personally believe Jesus is better than the other 3,000 Gods and Prophets that came before, and after him?