I have nothing to lose by holding out until noon tomorrow. Not optimistic by nature, just have read and watched enough to know that there may be something to this here Trump fella. He’s always been the roadrunner to the democrats’ Wile E. Coyote in the past, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt once more.
Haven't been there much since 1/6/21
Same. A handful of times. It served its purpose for a long time and if and when we win, tdw will be fun again.
For sure, I will definitely be back on TDW once the shills and doomers are done!
Sure thing handshake!
I have nothing to lose by holding out until noon tomorrow. Not optimistic by nature, just have read and watched enough to know that there may be something to this here Trump fella. He’s always been the roadrunner to the democrats’ Wile E. Coyote in the past, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt once more.
It has been absolutely horrible since then. There has been a significant shill attack since then.
Yup it got to be to much for me and I came here!