Honestly thinking this through. Clinton would have stomped all of the other dem candidates. She had a large cult-like following, whereas I don't think anyone could even remember Bidens name until he announced he was running.
Why did she not run again? especially if she won the pop vote in '16? She was so 'passionate' about it when she was running but then when she has a chance to run against the man she says is so evil, she's nowhere to be found.
Seems purty odd. Maybe Biden is a plant as one of the other posters said
Clinton’s don’t have the image they once held in the 90s
Do you know how many normies posted the Epstein didn’t hang himself meme in the past two years?
Majority of public was expecting BC and HRC to be in jail by now. Those pictures of Bill getting back massages is jus the tippy top of the ice berg.
We all know what Q has told us about crimes against children.