Like many of you, I am in shock by today's and then I realized why it had to happen and that Q told us it would happen and, why this NEEDED to happen. Q did tell us that a SCARE EVENT would be needed. Well, are you scared yet?
1.) Q posts 4821 and 4822, from Oct. 7th 2020, told us about Biden being sworn in and would the countries he took bribes from then be in control of the government. [Important point I will be coming back to].
2.) Biden had to take a private jet to Washington, D.C. and was not sent a government plan. This was the first time in history this has happened [Again, I will get back to it].
3.) Many of us assumed when Trump and those in his administration were referring to the next administration it meant the military. We expected him to step down (to remain neutral as Q said) while all this went down. Trump did say that the next administration would take over at noon today
Like many, I thought this was over when Biden was sworn in as he now became the CiC. Boy, was I wrong. Because of the fraud (as pointed out), if the military has the proof of it then they have a duty under military code to remove the false government and restore a new legal civilian government under military code 11.3 which triggered when Biden was sworn in today (Q#26: when 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
There was a fear in the McCarthy era that the communists could take over our government, so provisions were put in place for the military to protect us should that happen. These provisions allow the military to take control while they remove the belligerent government and restore a legal civilian government (with the military running the elections to do that). Literally, the military was put in place as the last line of defense of the Constitution should an illegal government be installed.
This is why they didn't send a government plane for the President-Elect - because they know he is not a legitimate President and, once he was sworn in, the government became illegitimate (belligerent) and the military is now responsible for restoring legitimate civilian government (otherwise foreign powers will gain control - see #1 above).
Q said the end wouldn't be for everybody. We have been told by Trump. Flynn and other that America would soon get a lesson in the Constitution. Well folks, effective at noon today, when Biden illegally swore in with assistance of foreign nations he just made the government illegitimate and effectively put the military in control.
So, while like many, I thought it was over when Biden was sworn in today, I realized Q told us it NEEDED to happen for the military to assume control without it being a military coup (Q said it all had to be done by the book).
Why should I accept communism? Submit my children to internment? Get over your little feelings and prepare to fight like hell (politically speaking). Do NOT allow your heart to legitimize this fraud.
The only types of movement that we the people need to engage in at this point can be had at distances up to 1000 yards depending on your preferred tool.
Maybe even further than 1000 yards if you are up for.
^^Doomer trash^^
Start planning who your boyfriend in Gitmo will be treating you, shill.
Shut up shill!
Many in the military turn their back.
Faith serves you better and will get you farther than “logic & reason.”
With logic and reason you choose to deal with what’s before you. That’s where you’re focus is, that’s all you see, and that is what you continue to realize.
With faith you choose to create what will be. You focus on what you believe in, you’re not stuck with what is, or what you believe “is,” but rather you make it possible to realize what you want.
Faith is very powerful.