... We Go All!
Let us remember this day - and remember that it is us - we happy few - who have been given a vision of what a brighter future looks like for our county and the world.
No other group has been shown this, and it is something we have celebrated and hoped for. Now it is becoming clear that we must also work for it too, out in the real world, in order that it shall someday come to pass.
We wanted Trump to do it all for us, or at least to cut out the cancer. And perhaps enough moves were made behind the scenes to gain a slight upper hand, if not the crushing defeat we prayed and hoped and prepared for - yet time will tell. This is the initial celebration of the opponents seeming victory, to us it looks very dark and that's understandable.
It's a tough time for many of us, and I think it's OK to admit that. That we have suffered a seeming defeat and must endure what is to come may weigh heavy on our hearts and minds - and is a fresh wound of real concern. How we dress it will determine whether we live, or die.
I for one, choose life - and I think this group should choose life as well. As a group.
Look around you - surrounded by a literal digital army of like minded individuals - those who are awoken to the corruption and lies which plague our world - those who are interested in researching and coordinating plans and information - those with a sense of humor, and a positive outlook on life - and those with a vision of what our country might look like were it to be freed from the chains of corruption and evil which bind it. Those who trust in God, and believe in his promise of a better world.
You are not alone. We are together. If this be our moment of shared loss, let it bind us together as the loss of of a chance, perhaps, but not the loss of an Ideal. Indeed, we retain our Ideal here and share it together - we celebrate it, discuss it, and create our Plan for it.
We have all made it to this point - together. And if the plan for exposing the corruption did not work, are we just going to disperse to live our lives in creeping tyrrany, alone without our fellows? I hate to say it, but we're here, and we may be all there is.
So regardless if anything happens with Declass, FISA, the EO, IA or anything else - if we throw each other away at this point then we really do deserve to suffer in private agony.
Sometimes a shared loss can be an occasion which binds those affected. I think if we treat this with the reverence that it requires, the mourning of yet another chance to set the world aright, and allow ourselves to take it as a chance to redouble our efforts and find strength together, that it will be looked back upon not with shame and loss but with a growing sense of the inevitable triumph of a worthy Ideal.
That is why we always remember, Where We Go One, We Go All.
I may not know you, but you are my brother and fellow Patriot. We hold the line, not just for President Trump, but for an Idea which resonates to the truest core of our being.
And we have to have faith, that the Best in Yet to Come.
Together we rise.
I just wanted to write a short message to all of you today. I'm not sure exactly what's going on, I don't put 100% faith in anyone, it all could've been a trick to have an excuse to censor/label-as-crazy unconformable truths about our political system. There might still be an ounce of hope, or we could be headed to more overt censorship, lockdowns, and worse. It's honestly not even the politicians who scare me, it's the citizens of this country who refuse to admit anything is wrong with the system, and who think they are the resistance as they repeat word for word whatever the media's daily buzzwords are.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad today. 1984 isn't a theory anymore. We saw people double-counting ballots, absurd voting swings overnight, workers blacking out the windows at the voting locations. We read the DNC emails. It's all out in the open. and no one seems to care. as long as they have their bread, circuses, and people around them who will validate them, they're happy to give up any rights.
I've been educated at what most would consider very "elite" schools. The ones the liberals salivate over. And yet on those campuses the number of people who truly care about the constitution I could've counted on two hands. The number of people who look at American history with pride even less. The number of people who understand our uniquely blessed place in history, and how close we are to being truly free still smaller. The same people being elevated to be our next generation of politicians, and most of them can't even tell you who fought on what side of WWII, or for what reasons. Civics and ethics are not relevant at all to these people.
It's heartbreaking.
I will say this, though. While there was certainly a mixture of people in this community, and a lot of speculation/false predictions that did our cause no good, I will never forget one thing. And that was that when I was talking to people from around the world in the Q community, they genuinely were in it not for themselves, but for others. For a chance to live in a slightly better world. A chance to wake up to mental slavery and come together against it. People from every nation, color, and religion who realize we actually could live in a world based on consent, responsibility, and self-sovereignty.
It was beautiful to witness. And it will never end. No matter how bad it gets. I have no problem with people still holding onto hope, perhaps something will happen. But even if it doesn't, I know that there are millions of good people around the world who are thankful to our ancestors for their sacrifices, and would be willing to make the same sacrifices to make a better world for future generations.
Love will win in the end.
Well said, so much of this. Being aware of so much suffering and trauma in so many ways we hardly noticed before was a driving force to help each other understand what's going on and what must be done to better things for everyone.