Q drops and proofs merely prove that Q and Trump are working in tandem and something was going on. Whether they were good guys or bad guys ... that may take some time to figure out.
Call me crazy but I don't think the bad guys would create an online psyop to galvanize an ever growing army of Patriots across the globe including the one with ALL the guns and putting a gigantic spotlight on there sick crimes. Unless they just enjoy playing on the hardest difficulty or something?
No, you're correct. If Q is a psyop it's a stupid-ass psyop. Just pointing out the distinction between the question of 1) whether Q and Trump work together, and 2) whether Q and Trump are the good guys.
operation trust is way different than Q, if you take the time to actually read the excerpt about it, youll realize that Trust was a psyop to bait and find out who the high level anti-commies were.
Yes I’m aware which was my point that some have theorized Q could have been a honeypot for those who would oppose them and lead them to enough inaction to solidify their plans. Didn’t say it was true but right now the commies look like they’re winning. They have a lot of power including a CCP compromised President and they’ve branded anyone who sees through the BS as domestic terrorists. These are not good signs for the health of a nation and I hope there is a plan. I’m praying on it.
Q drops and proofs merely prove that Q and Trump are working in tandem and something was going on. Whether they were good guys or bad guys ... that may take some time to figure out.
Call me crazy but I don't think the bad guys would create an online psyop to galvanize an ever growing army of Patriots across the globe including the one with ALL the guns and putting a gigantic spotlight on there sick crimes. Unless they just enjoy playing on the hardest difficulty or something?
No, you're correct. If Q is a psyop it's a stupid-ass psyop. Just pointing out the distinction between the question of 1) whether Q and Trump work together, and 2) whether Q and Trump are the good guys.
We lost didn't we so yeh they would
Actually that’s what the commies did in Russia. It was called Operation Trust.
operation trust is way different than Q, if you take the time to actually read the excerpt about it, youll realize that Trust was a psyop to bait and find out who the high level anti-commies were.
Yes I’m aware which was my point that some have theorized Q could have been a honeypot for those who would oppose them and lead them to enough inaction to solidify their plans. Didn’t say it was true but right now the commies look like they’re winning. They have a lot of power including a CCP compromised President and they’ve branded anyone who sees through the BS as domestic terrorists. These are not good signs for the health of a nation and I hope there is a plan. I’m praying on it.
So you think the atrocities aren't bad? How could you have any doubt about which side is good, unless of course...