1054 Ran Across this Q Post and it Gave Me Some More Hopium (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by swimkin 4 years ago by swimkin +1059 / -5 191 comments download share 191 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
JAN 22- Castle clean
So if the 22nd comes and goes, hope goes way down. Until then, I'm in.
More datefagging. It’s lethal for you.
NG leave DC on the 24th. 23rd would be cleanup day then. So that leaves 21st and 22nd.
But fuck that logic, its mindless 'datefagging'.
Weren't we admonished that plans even the best ones have to adjust? Logic tells me that dod can't go for a super long time without public announcement...but then I remember how Obama's minions avoided congressional subpoena for 7 years.
Good man.