Seems like we successfully defended GAW from shills. The frequency of shill posts is decreasing and Hopium is displacing Doom again. A big Thank You to all moderators and those who operated the Deport button. Hold the Line, enjoy a Trump Steak with a glass of Trump Wine, you deserve it!

the modmail is probably a goldmine
Probably salt painted yellow.
I'm kind of new to this site and absolutely love that there is deport button. Been finding them all day and sending them home!
KEK, the guy that reported this comment to the mods just got nuked.
Haaaaaaaaa, priceless!
Nice! The mods here are the best. I wasn't sure if they were being deported or not because I was also blocking them like a goalie.
It was interesting to see the number of new accounts and accounts just a few hours old. Easy to spot those who don't get what's going on here.
I have a new account (which I was worried about for a bit, but I learned if your not acting like a shill then your okay if your account is new), but I lurked for a while not here but over on TD only got into this Q board a few days ago, maybe it's been a week time blends together, I'm glad to see all the doom posts going away it really brings the vibe down.
Did you type that all in one breath? Also, "you're."
Welcome aboard, lots of room on the train!
My thoughts are not all together and sometimes disjointed I will go back over something I typed and add more to it for clarification. Also I am really bad at your you're there their. Thanks!
Good work mod team. Thank you.
Guys, that shill-flux was intense. Strongest one I've been a part of. Incredible when you consider the fear it must take to make that happen. What are they afraid of?
Could be, losing. Could also be punishment from their side for losing. Or replacing the lost sacrifices...
Yeah should be back to normal within 24-48 hrs
Just signed on, and I know which bathroom to use. This place is great.
I wish we had user flairs. I'd make sure there was one for that.
Been working all day, good to see you guys got it all cleaned up in here. Nice work
Let’s go!
Aw yeah! I got bunches of that sweet hopium for my frens!
Off topic but - Trump's food at the trump hotel in las Vegas is so fucking good. His chef's are top-notch. Definitely would recommend if any of you are near las Vegas to give the trump hotel a visit, and definitely check out they're restaurant... 10/10
Yes, and you also got me to crawl out of this God-forsaken hole I've been in.
Praise Kek!
Not trying to be a shill or doomer but how far is the goal post going to be pushed. We now have a regime in charge, never will be an admin in my eyes. The depression is real right now so a lot of people including myself that trusted in the plan feel betrayed. With this regime in charge and with voting being fucked what can we do? Local elections are most likely controlled and it goes on upwards. Pence fucked us hard, the Republican party fucked us raw, and it looks unfortunate that the plan failed hard.
There are no goal posts in chess. Inauguration was 11.3.
Yes but be aware that papers such as wsj are watching and printed today about a thread in here. My point, this website is probably going to be a lot more out there now than what it used to be and hence a lot more shills than ever before.
Good point
It was truly bad from 11-230 CST. Massive dooming. Glad were getting back on track.
...or a big mac and diet coke?