I looked up Sabmyk on Bing. The only entry is http://www.facebook.com/Achilles11111 Interestingly enough it has a post about a party given by Soros and vaclav havel .Party called what we are doing to get the sword of Achilles/Alexander the Great back. Sabmyk=The ruler of rulers prophet of prophets.
Oh wow. I also had a hard time finding info searching for "Sambyk" which is strange because normally you can find SOMETHING either with the string of character or an image representing it. I tried all of them through Google, Bing, Yandex and only got that one FB page.
Def feel like somebody is dropping a hint with this.
You know, this is really bizarre, but Seward Square actually now sits where a hotel used to sit back in 1841... That hotel was where John Tyler was inaugurated, at 6th and Pennsylvania. Bizarre
starting to seem like there really ARE no coincidences. All of this was probably engineered before hand to be perceived in the way it was. Whether intentions were good or bad, or neither... it's still creepy as fuck.
What's really crazy, is that Tyler basically stole the presidency because at the time, neither the Constitution nor statutory law actually stated that the VP would BECOME President when there was a vacancy. Rather, the VP was to assume the duties of the presidency, as in, temporarily ACT as president. The original intent seems to be that there should have been a new election for a replacement president. Arguably, it should have been an election by the House because the process of using Electors was only proscribed for regularly scheduled elections.
JQA, Henry Clay and others argued this when Tyler just permanently took the presidency for himself. It was controversial, but his opponents couldn't really stop him. So if Tyler had the first stolen presidency, how fitting would it be for Trump to be the first to take back a stolen presidency?
I'll be damned. They must have a multinational coop of well read folk or a quantum computer waaaay ahead of Gaygle's quantum supremacy. To be this balls deep into every. Single. God. Damn. angle of every shade of every hue having such significance is beyond wild.
or maybe... not saying it was aliens, but...
ha but on a serious note that would be most satisfying. According to the marshall report the biden inauguration was prerecorded cause italy saw it 10 hours before us, pelosi reportedly arrest, and a new capitol untainted by occult satanic filth being constructed.
not holding my breath for any of that lol but damn wouldn't that be something.
Seward was Lincoln's SoS and has a connection with Russia in the Alaska purchase. If we accept that Lincoln was the last legitimate US President of the Republic, then Seward was the last legitimate SoS.
Stanton was Lincoln's Sec of War. Stanton irritated Johnson (who was a shit) and tried to force him out. Stanton was supported by Seward and Grant (Johnson wanted Grant to take over even though Grant opposed this entire thing). Stanton turned over the keys without much resistance, despite being protected by the Tenure of Office Act. Senate put Stanton back in office and Grant gladly gave it back. Johnson tried to remove Stanton again and this time he refused to concede. This is why Johnson was impeached. Should have been convicted. Only 1 vote short. Stanton decided to resign, despite the support from most Republicans. The whole event made Johnson look like even more of a shit, which propelled Grant to the presidency the next election.
I'm kind of a newfag when it comes to most of the civil war era history so I can't really weigh in on this one lol. Wasn't the Corporation of the USA created in 1872 though?
Hello from Australia ... Good interesting thread here !
You might be fascinated to watch this interview with JC Kay and a guy called Richard Balducci - an occult archaeologist - my mind officially blown ... The astrological precise dates and spell casting since Plymouth Rock ... My goodness !!!
The link is below to her YouTube video (interview link to Vimeo is posted on description below)
I also recommend watching bladicciea other interviews about the Book he's writing about the BEATLES. Band and how it all ties in ... https://youtu.be/PHqpQVMrS2U
America was 100% founded on freedom of religion, but Christians weren't being persecuted... the occultists were. The Belly of the Beast documentary goes into a good amount of detail here.
Course it could be 2 v.s one flipped upside dowm on the other
let me guess not even a lump of coal for Christmas?
No clue
Who shared this?
What the heck does that mean and is it another fake news
Reverse image search @ Yandex brought me here. Recently heard someone talking about it being the beginning of some astrological age or something.
I looked up Sabmyk on Bing. The only entry is http://www.facebook.com/Achilles11111 Interestingly enough it has a post about a party given by Soros and vaclav havel .Party called what we are doing to get the sword of Achilles/Alexander the Great back. Sabmyk=The ruler of rulers prophet of prophets.
Oh wow. I also had a hard time finding info searching for "Sambyk" which is strange because normally you can find SOMETHING either with the string of character or an image representing it. I tried all of them through Google, Bing, Yandex and only got that one FB page.
Def feel like somebody is dropping a hint with this.
You know, this is really bizarre, but Seward Square actually now sits where a hotel used to sit back in 1841... That hotel was where John Tyler was inaugurated, at 6th and Pennsylvania. Bizarre
starting to seem like there really ARE no coincidences. All of this was probably engineered before hand to be perceived in the way it was. Whether intentions were good or bad, or neither... it's still creepy as fuck.
What's really crazy, is that Tyler basically stole the presidency because at the time, neither the Constitution nor statutory law actually stated that the VP would BECOME President when there was a vacancy. Rather, the VP was to assume the duties of the presidency, as in, temporarily ACT as president. The original intent seems to be that there should have been a new election for a replacement president. Arguably, it should have been an election by the House because the process of using Electors was only proscribed for regularly scheduled elections.
JQA, Henry Clay and others argued this when Tyler just permanently took the presidency for himself. It was controversial, but his opponents couldn't really stop him. So if Tyler had the first stolen presidency, how fitting would it be for Trump to be the first to take back a stolen presidency?
I'll be damned. They must have a multinational coop of well read folk or a quantum computer waaaay ahead of Gaygle's quantum supremacy. To be this balls deep into every. Single. God. Damn. angle of every shade of every hue having such significance is beyond wild.
or maybe... not saying it was aliens, but...
ha but on a serious note that would be most satisfying. According to the marshall report the biden inauguration was prerecorded cause italy saw it 10 hours before us, pelosi reportedly arrest, and a new capitol untainted by occult satanic filth being constructed.
not holding my breath for any of that lol but damn wouldn't that be something.
Stanton Square/Park and Seward Square/Park?
Seward was Lincoln's SoS and has a connection with Russia in the Alaska purchase. If we accept that Lincoln was the last legitimate US President of the Republic, then Seward was the last legitimate SoS.
Stanton was Lincoln's Sec of War. Stanton irritated Johnson (who was a shit) and tried to force him out. Stanton was supported by Seward and Grant (Johnson wanted Grant to take over even though Grant opposed this entire thing). Stanton turned over the keys without much resistance, despite being protected by the Tenure of Office Act. Senate put Stanton back in office and Grant gladly gave it back. Johnson tried to remove Stanton again and this time he refused to concede. This is why Johnson was impeached. Should have been convicted. Only 1 vote short. Stanton decided to resign, despite the support from most Republicans. The whole event made Johnson look like even more of a shit, which propelled Grant to the presidency the next election.
I'm kind of a newfag when it comes to most of the civil war era history so I can't really weigh in on this one lol. Wasn't the Corporation of the USA created in 1872 though?
Hello from Australia ... Good interesting thread here !
You might be fascinated to watch this interview with JC Kay and a guy called Richard Balducci - an occult archaeologist - my mind officially blown ... The astrological precise dates and spell casting since Plymouth Rock ... My goodness !!!
The link is below to her YouTube video (interview link to Vimeo is posted on description below)
I also recommend watching bladicciea other interviews about the Book he's writing about the BEATLES. Band and how it all ties in ... https://youtu.be/PHqpQVMrS2U
So much going on here !!
America was 100% founded on freedom of religion, but Christians weren't being persecuted... the occultists were. The Belly of the Beast documentary goes into a good amount of detail here.
1871, according to the theory, so post-Civil War but in the midst of Reconstruction (1865-1876)