I agree if it is not exactly like the first outfit Gaga is definitely making reference to and is an homage to this character in the movie. I like your connection here to the Q Post and the first Huma tweet in two years.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
Who has access to everything classified?
Makes you think twice about the last-minute installation of the new NSA top legal council, eh? Even though the NSA effectively locked him down under house arrest, he still has the clearance he might need to do whatever specific task he was assigned ...
Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military w\o approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?
That is not the point, Gaga is still referencing this character in the movie. Who cares if the shirt is different. The whole point is they are mocking us.
Makes me think that the Salem Witch trials might have been justified and perhaps these people we see now are of the same vein. The media likes to prop them up as victims but if we can prove it with evidence and facts..
These people make fake stuff all the time. I think we are really watching a movie. To wake up the normie's. This stuff is way too weird. And they are going ball's in on day 1. It would explain a lot.
Do you even know the theme of the movie: government controlling the population? And yes these "pop stars" do have egos the size of Jupiter and do plan their outfits to send a political message. Do you remember her meat dress?
Dont go limp on me now, I thought you are here to deprogram us? Is this all it takes to send you packing? I hope both of your kids dont turn out like you...
Maybe I should talk with your father, and have him tell your brother that you changed your ways? Family is important, it seems you have forgotten that...
Reddit post? Yeah I found your account. Found your face book, found your father, found your brother, whom you do no have added on facebook.. The only one larping here is a clown like you. Thankfully your brother is intelligent enough to not end up a degenerate like you.
You are onto something, photoshopped or not! Listen.
Yesterday someone posted about HUMA posting for the first time in 2 years on twitter. https://twitter.com/HumaAbedin/status/1352079922337034240
If Gaga's outfit is referencing the Mockingbird then the two match up https://operationq.pub/?n=2
I agree if it is not exactly like the first outfit Gaga is definitely making reference to and is an homage to this character in the movie. I like your connection here to the Q Post and the first Huma tweet in two years.
POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.
Makes you think twice about the last-minute installation of the new NSA top legal council, eh? Even though the NSA effectively locked him down under house arrest, he still has the clearance he might need to do whatever specific task he was assigned ...
FEMA director, right?
They want to make it so he no longer gets them.
That was my understanding as well.
Its comparing what Lady Gaga wore to the movie character's outfit. What is shopped?
That is not the point, Gaga is still referencing this character in the movie. Who cares if the shirt is different. The whole point is they are mocking us.
Here is the original image:
Photoshopped or not it's close enough. I say that because of the obvious gold bird over her "heart."
Also, no surprise here.
Not surprising, she's psychotic and on medication for it.
Let that be a warning, kids.
Stay away from evil and maintain sanity.
Any link to the unphotoshopped pic
I thought it was the dove of peace.
Makes me think that the Salem Witch trials might have been justified and perhaps these people we see now are of the same vein. The media likes to prop them up as victims but if we can prove it with evidence and facts..
You never know.
Maybe you're right.
Or maybe they were called witches because a psychopath wanted to harm them.
That happens in Africa a lot today -- people are accused of being witches because someone is envious, or in one case, wanted to steal their land.
They are really good at sticking their crimes on someone else
This has crossed my mind as well.
These people make fake stuff all the time. I think we are really watching a movie. To wake up the normie's. This stuff is way too weird. And they are going ball's in on day 1. It would explain a lot.
When does the bird sing?
Not to be a cunt but it's a Mockingjay not Mockingbird.
all the relevant Q posts seem to mention MOCKINGBIRD as much as Godfather III
Photoshopped. Next!
Do you even know the theme of the movie: government controlling the population? And yes these "pop stars" do have egos the size of Jupiter and do plan their outfits to send a political message. Do you remember her meat dress?
Wats up buddy? No reply? Hows the weather in commifornia like?
Dont go limp on me now, I thought you are here to deprogram us? Is this all it takes to send you packing? I hope both of your kids dont turn out like you...
Maybe I should talk with your father, and have him tell your brother that you changed your ways? Family is important, it seems you have forgotten that...
Reddit post? Yeah I found your account. Found your face book, found your father, found your brother, whom you do no have added on facebook.. The only one larping here is a clown like you. Thankfully your brother is intelligent enough to not end up a degenerate like you.
Hey hey hey, check this out, https://greatawakening.win/p/11SJoVIOf2/i-posted-the-first-screenshot-ea/c/ there are more of us than there are of you!
Buddy! You are back! How is it going? Got any new insults, or my last one was enough to end your shilling career? xD
Go wipe your ass, can smell the shit all the way here...
Gj pedo, now go and make nice with your brother. The shame he must be feeling for being related to a degenerate like you.