Just my opinion of course- what we have been watching over the past 4 years and are witnessing right now is sort of a “scripted” plan play out in front of the world. There is so much corruption, it’s so deep and unbelievable- the military had to figure out a way to SHOW THE PEOPLE, a way that wouldnt lead to a civil war. Think of EVERYTHING that has come to the surface over the past 4 years. The Q Conspiracy- The left has been hiding their crimes over the decades by calling all the evidence brought forth “a conspiracy theory”. They, along with the MSM pushed the narratives hard- that the right tries to push conspiracy theories. In order to start breaking down the barriers and helping more people wake up and SEE the corruption, first, the left will accuse the right of a conspiracy theory (Q) but then over the next weeks a ton of evidence will start coming out (declass, indictments, Biden’s impeachment, election fraud etc) this evidence will start to show people that Q was real. The information was real. That the RIGHT has been right. When more people start realizing that, then more evidence of way BIGGER crimes will start to come out- past conspiracies- but now people will be more willing to listen and accept because Q theories turned out to be true.
It’s very complex- but once you understand what is happening, it’s so obvious and frankly, unbelievably genius. The Q drops weren’t making PREDICTIONS that came true. The Q drops were TELLING us what would happen- like a script- a well timed plan. Most of the events of the past 4 years were simply to prepare us for what’s unfolding right now before our eyes- Total corruption. Election fraud, Supreme Court fraud, - all the fraud will be PLAYED OUT in front of us over the coming weeks- Biden is not president. It had to be done this way to inform the people and prevent a civil war.
I don’t know exactly how the NESARA info will play out, only that we are no longer controlled by the central banking system. We have been held back and held down by the people who controlled the central bank and interest rates etc. they never wanted the “workers” to prosper. Only the elite. Now, under trump, we will prosper and grow like never before.
Pay attention to the news over the coming weeks. Then next thing they will SHOW US will come out through Biden’s impeachment. It will surprisingly pass through the house and then we’ll learn all about Biden’s and Hunters crimes through the senate trial- the world will learn,’the sheep will learn. Then will come the Epstein stuff. All the other sealed indictments will be unsealed and people will slowly SEE all the evidence of corruption - But they can’t blame TRUMP for it, the left will destroy themselves right in front of the world
DC was locked down and no one was allowed to attend inauguration, except the bad actors. Why? Why the masks? Use logic and think about the things that seem STRANGE. They’re strange because it’s being played out in an exaggerated way TO SHOW US. There’s so much more
Just my opinion of course- what we have been watching over the past 4 years and are witnessing right now is sort of a “scripted” plan play out in front of the world. There is so much corruption, it’s so deep and unbelievable- the military had to figure out a way to SHOW THE PEOPLE, a way that wouldnt lead to a civil war. Think of EVERYTHING that has come to the surface over the past 4 years. The Q Conspiracy- The left has been hiding their crimes over the decades by calling all the evidence brought forth “a conspiracy theory”. They, along with the MSM pushed the narratives hard- that the right tries to push conspiracy theories. In order to start breaking down the barriers and helping more people wake up and SEE the corruption, first, the left will accuse the right of a conspiracy theory (Q) but then over the next weeks a ton of evidence will start coming out (declass, indictments, Biden’s impeachment, election fraud etc) this evidence will start to show people that Q was real. The information was real. That the RIGHT has been right. When more people start realizing that, then more evidence of way BIGGER crimes will start to come out- past conspiracies- but now people will be more willing to listen and accept because Q theories turned out to be true.
It’s very complex- but once you understand what is happening, it’s so obvious and frankly, unbelievably genius. The Q drops weren’t making PREDICTIONS that came true. The Q drops were TELLING us what would happen- like a script- a well timed plan. Most of the events of the past 4 years were simply to prepare us for what’s unfolding right now before our eyes- Total corruption. Election fraud, Supreme Court fraud, - all the fraud will be PLAYED OUT in front of us over the coming weeks- Biden is not president. It had to be done this way to inform the people and prevent a civil war.
I don’t know exactly how the NESARA info will play out, only that we are no longer controlled by the central banking system. We have been held back and held down by the people who controlled the central bank and interest rates etc. they never wanted the “workers” to prosper. Only the elite. Now, under trump, we will prosper and grow like never before.
Pay attention to the news over the coming weeks. Then next thing they will SHOW US will come out through Biden’s impeachment. It will surprisingly pass through the house and then we’ll learn all about Biden’s and Hunters crimes through the senate trial- the world will learn,’the sheep will learn. Then will come the Epstein stuff. All the other sealed indictments will be unsealed and people will slowly SEE all the evidence of corruption - But they can’t blame TRUMP for it, the left will destroy themselves right in front of the world
DC was locked down and no one was allowed to attend inauguration, except the bad actors. Why? Why the masks? Use logic and think about the things that seem STRANGE. They’re strange because it’s being played out in an exaggerated way TO SHOW US. There’s so much more
Excellent comment and well articulated. I’m right there with you on all of this being so in your face, over the top exaggerated.
This is right on the money.
I concur